Thursday, October 24, 2013

To connect two computers with a crossover cable

Step 1 – Configure IP Addresses
Usually, if you are using a crossover cable to connect two computers, the computers are not connected to a LAN network. In this case, you will need to configure static IP addresses for each computer.
You have to make sure that both computers have IP addresses that are on the same subnet. For example, if you give one computer an IP address of, then you should give the second computer an IP of
If you used the above IP addresses, you should use a subnet mask of If you use an incorrect subnet mask, the connection will not work.

Lastly, the value for the default gateway should be the same on both machines. You can pick which IP address you want to use, but use it on both computers for the default gateway. Below is how my setup looks for one computer:

Step 2 – Crossover Cable
The second thing you need to verify is that you actually have a proper crossover cable. Basically, there are a few different types of crossover cables, but it’s best to get the standard crossover cable where the green and orange pairs are swapped and the brown and blue pairs stay in the same position.
The only pins that need to be crossed are 1,3 and 2,6. So just check your cable on both end and make sure it matches the diagram.

Step 3 – Local User Accounts
If you’re having problems accessing files both ways, you may have to create a user account on each computer that has the same name and same password. This helps get past any kind of Access is Denied errors that may pop up.
Make sure the accounts are administrator accounts also! It’s best to create a new account rather than rename a current account.
Step 4 – Disable Firewalls
Finally, you should disable the firewall on both computers to ensure that none of the file sharing ports are being blocked. You can do this by going to Control Panel and then Windows Firewall. Click on Off.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Installing Apache with PHP

Configuring Apache:
  1. Open the httpd.conf file.  (/conf sub-directory)
  2. Use slashes / for paths.
  3. Change the DocumentRoot to point to the location of the root document folder. In the default httpd.conf file, point to "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs".
  4. Change the Directory path to match the one used in the previous step.
  5. Add to index.php to the DirectoryIndex.
  6. Append the following lines to the end of the httpd.conf file:
      LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2_2.dll"
       AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
       PHPIniDir "C:/php"

 Configuring PHP:
  1. Rename php-ini-recommended.ini to php.ini.
  2. Uncomment the Windows include_path.
    Note: In the PHP.ini file, semicolons are used to denote that something is commented out. To uncomment a line, simply remove the semicolon.
  3. Update the doc_root to match the one that was set up in the httpd.conf file.
  4. Update the extension_dir to "C:\php\ext".
  5. Uncomment php_gd2.dll extension.
  6. Uncomment mysql.dll extension.
  7. Update the sessions.save_path to the Windows temporary files directory (i.e. C:\Temp).
  8. The PHP directory needs to be added to the Path Environment Variables.
  9. Restart Apache and test PHP on Apache.
      () ?>


        () ?>

Change localhost:
  1. Open the 'hosts' file with notepad. It can usually be found in c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc.
  2. Edit the end of the file to read: localhost testsite1