Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Benefit of Mint leaves

Green, refreshing, aromatic are the three words that come to our mind when we think of mint . Beside being the power source of these essential nutrients this is what is magical leaves can do smile emoticon
  1. Promotes Digestion --- Mint leaves help to supports the digestive system activating the salivary glands and digestive enzymes. For best result (Use Mint tea).
  2. Irritable bowel syndrome --- effectively treat problem of Irritable vowel syndrome.
  3. Asthma and other Respiratory disorder --- helping relieving congestion of the respiratory tract.
  4. Lower blood pressure --- help to lower down the blood pressure
  5. Promote oral health --- fights bacteria responsible for causing cavities
  6. Relieve Pain --- To relax the muscle of your leg take a cup of Sea salt add olive oil about 1/3 cup and 6 to 8 drops peppermint essential oil. Now massage your feet with this mixture for 5 to 10 minutes and rinse off. This mixture is very effective for relieving muscular pain.
  7. Treat Nausea --- Feeling Nausea? Just smells of the aroma of peppermint essential oil or Mint leaves.
  8. Effective for depression --- A cup of Tea prepared with fresh green leaves of mint is all you need to keep the stress away.
  9. Improve memory ---- you can enhance your memory by just sniffing mint leaves
  10. Prevent Cancer --- The compound called Menthol present in mint leaves has the power to treat various type of cancer especially prostate cancer.

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